Saturday, December 25, 2010

Yes, Virginia.....

Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York's Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial Sept. 21, 1897. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church has since become history's most reprinted newspaper editorial, appearing in part or whole in dozens of languages in books, movies, and other editorials, and on posters and stamps.

"DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old.
"Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus.
"Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so.'
"Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?


VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except [what] they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.

You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, VIRGINIA, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Clement Clarke Moore 1779-1863

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Puppy for Christmas

So, the word is out... Michael Vick, the big, misunderstood, cruel bully and quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles, really is the soul of a lovable teddy bear trapped in the body of a vicious coward. He loves animals in his heart.. Watching, and breeding dogs to fight to the death, was just an innocent passtime.
He really wants a puppy to bond to, a little friend to cuddle up to while watching reruns of Monday Night Football.
Perhaps Santa will recognize his true, loving spirit and leave a small bundle of wiggly fur under his tree..

My hope is that Santa, and everyone else will see this monsterous excuse for a human being for what he is. A vile and cowardly piece of trash who preys upon defenseless animals for his own perverse enjoyment. The NFL also deserves much blame here for giving this piece of garbage a forum for the public to listen to, and perhaps be fooled by this publicity stunt.

This time of year, a time and Peace and Caring, was a poor time for Michael Vick to proclaim his all too phony love for dogs... He deserves to be rotting in jail, instead of having children look up to him as a hero!

Just one man's oppinion..

Saturday, November 27, 2010

More on Garmin

As I mentioned in the previous post, the collar the dc-30 rides on leaves a bit to be desired. For one thing it's black... Not a color I would choose for a gundog running the woods with other hunters present. For another, it's two plies of nylon sewn together... Necessary to protect the wire running from the GPS antenna to the collar unit. The nylon is stiff in the cold weather, and tends to fray pretty badly from running through the brush.
Enter Stone Creek Hounds and Dog Supply. They have developed a few nice accessories for the Garmin Astro system in general, and the dc-30 collar in particular. They stock Bio-thane replacement collars with a rubber sleeve to protect the wiring, and to direct the VHF antenna into the proper orientation. The collars are available in all the colors we've come to know and love. I ordered what is called light green... more like a chartreuse.. A color that stands out and that I've never seen in nature. The collar comes with explicit instructions on how to remove the old, and replace the new. It's foolproof and everything fits well. Best of all, the replacement is approved by Garmin and would not void the factory warranty.
So, for those who would like to upgrade their dc-30 instead of moving to the dc-40, the replacement collar from Stone Creek Hounds is a worthwhile addition to make an already great system just a bit greater.

Give The Stone Creek website a look, and BTW, they're nice people and shipping was super-fast!

Stone Creek Hounds

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Garmin Grrrrrrrrrr....

I've been running the Astro system since it first came out, and with generally great success. I've upgraded from the dc-20 collar unit to the dc-30 and performed all the software upgrades along the way.
As can happen with all computer related equipment, glitches sneak in from time to time, and even when it happens on rare occasion, the results can be problematic.
I just returned from a week chasing birds and running dogs in the Adirondacks. Shortly before I left, I did a software update on the Astro system. Never having had a problem with this procedure before, I fully charged everything and put it away.
First day it got strapped on the dog, but something did not seem right. The little Setter got turned out, and it did not take long for me to realize that the dc-30 collar and the Astro handheld were not communicating. Day 1 down!
Without internet access in the mountains, things did not look promising with a dog that can range 800 yards plus in the big woods, and a hunter slowed by arthritis.
The original dc-20 collar stepped in to save the day, though... The dc-20 is an imperfect system... It needs to be strapped on with a "backpack," and the RF antenna is somewhat fragile, but it got me through the week in fine fashion.
Once home, I looked into the dc-30 issues, and it seems I'm not alone in having created problems with the software update.
So a call to Garmin, who sent complete and detailed instructions via e-mail has got the dc-30 humming along effortlessly once again.

For those that may have also experienced these issues, I will reprint the complete instructions from Garmin. If this does not solve your operating difficulties as they did mine, I suggest shipping the unit off to Garmin..

So, without further adieu... the instructions....


Thank you for contacting Garmin International.

When experiencing issues with the Astro 220, there are a few
troubleshooting steps that are at your disposal...

[1] Change Comm. Settings: press the DOG button to get to the Compass
page > press the ENT button on selected dog > press the MENU button >
select Change Comm. Settings > select a different ID > select OK >
select OK.

[2] Remove the dog from the handheld and then add it again: press the
DOG button > press the MENU button > select Dog List > press ENT on
selected dog > select Remove > select Yes > select Add New.

[3] Update handheld operating software to the most current available:

[4] You might try doing a master reset to eliminate any potentially
corrupt data. This will clear out all data and restore factory defaults
and settings. You will lose all user information (such as waypoints,
tracks, and routes). I recommend that you save this information before
resetting. You can do so by downloading our free program BaseCamp
( Following are instructions on how to perform
a master reset:

-With the unit powered off and disconnected; press and hold the
following buttons for 5 seconds: BACK + MENU + OUT + POWER. Release all
buttons after 5 seconds and the unit should power itself on

-You may want to attempt the following as well: with the unit powered
off and disconnected; press and hold the following buttons: ENTER + MAP
+ POWER. Release all buttons when the screen comes on with a prompt to
erase all user data. Please select YES to erase all of your data, the
unit should power itself on automatically after this.

After the master reset please place your unit outside so that it has a
clear view of the sky for 5 to 10 minutes so that the unit can acquire
new satellite almanac data.

[5] There are a few things we should try for collars experiencing
? For the DC 20, please remove the 4 screws in the back of the collar
and remove the battery for 10 minutes. Occasionally the collar can
become locked up, and doing this can resolve this issue. After you have
done this, please reconnect the battery and attempt to pair the collar.
? For the DC 30, please remove the screws in the back of the collar and
remove the battery for 10 minutes. Occasionally the collar can become
locked up, and doing this can resolve this issue. After you have done
this, please reconnect the battery and attempt to pair the collar.
Please look at the attached PDF files which will allow you to
troubleshoot a few small hardware issues that do not need to be
addressed with a regular repair.

If your collar is detected, please attempt an update: Press Dog > Press
Menu > Dog List > Select your Dog > Show Info > Menu > Update Dog Unit.
Screen should say "Ready to communicate with PC." Please use
to ensure the software in your collar is up to date.

With all troubleshooting options exhausted, I am sorry but the problem
you are experiencing with your device will require it to come in for
repair. I will be happy to set up a Return Merchandise Authorization
(RMA) for the repair; however, I will need to verify some information to
be able to do so. Please verify and complete as needed the following
information in a reply to this email:

* All Garmin products are warranted to be free from defects in materials
or workmanship for one year from the date of purchase.

* If your device is under 1 year old, to obtain warranty service, an
original or copy of the sales receipt from the original retailer is
required showing the original date of purchase. Online auction
confirmations are not accepted for warranty verification. You may do
this by either by attaching an image to this email, or if you need to
send it by fax, please send it to: 913-440-8280 Attn: Jon, Associate
#6961. Please include a copy of this email as well. Once warranty is
verified, the device will be repaired at no cost to you. Your return
device includes a 90 day warranty or the remainder of your current
warranty whichever is the greater.

* For the device outside of warranty there is a flat rate of repair of
$89.00 plus tax if applicable. This will cover any and all issues with
your current device, and includes updating software, return shipping,
and provides your return device with a 90 day warranty (or the remainder
of your original warranty, whichever is the greater.)

- You may send in a check to cover the repair costs. (It must be sent
separately from the device to our Finance department):
I will include the total amount (including tax if applicable) with RMA
number in my reply, along with instructions for sending the check in.
Keep in mind, shipping of the returned item may be delayed until the
check has cleared. Request submitted via email will by default be setup
as payment by check. Please provide the check number if possible.

-If you desire payment by other means I do not recommend providing
credit card information through email or fax since this is not a secure
method. Please let me know what would be the best time and a telephone
number for Garmin to contact you to place an order. After receiving your
contact information you should receive a call within 24 to 48 business

If you have not done so already, please register your device here:
. It is important to have your device registered so that in the unlikely
event your device is separated from the paper work, or lost in the mail,
we will have a record of the serial number in question.

When I receive this information, I will email you the address and your
RMA number to have the device shipped back to us for the repair. We
cannot guarantee GPS data recovery, if at all possible, please backup
the GPS before sending it to us. From the time that we receive the
device, we should have a replacement device back to you in approximately
10-14 business days.


There you have it. It worked for me, and hopefully it will help some folks out there.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Seperation of Church and State??

The current liberal mindset would have us believe that this idea was inherent in the framework of the Constitution, and that our current state of affairs was deemed so by our Forefathers. And, our current leaders are the worst of the lot in this regard, proclaiming to our enemies that this nation is not founded on God or Religion... All too apropos!
I think it is a dangerous and foolhardy undertaking to turn our backs on the God and Religion that this country was founded upon.

I wonder what FDR would have thought of this??

I was recently going through some of my Father's old papers, and came across many of his old military records. After spending ten years in the U.S. Navy, 1929-1939, he joined the Army when it appeared inevitable war would break out in Europe. He was a part of the famed 110th Infantry Regiment, led by Colonel Theodore Seely, and saw action on the beaches of Normandy and in the Ardennes Forest during the "Battle of the Bulge."

Here's a photo, and the letter my Dad, and countless others received from President Franklin Roosevelt...

The United States of America not a God fearing country??? Balderdash!

Please remember to vote!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Garmin does it again

Well, I just returned from 2 weeks in the Adirondacks. The opener was on the 20th, and we were out, and moved birds almost, everyday.
Which brings us to the impressive Garmin Astro system. Every time I strap this on a dog, it continues to impress me, and I learn a little bit more about it. It is just so feature laden, that I'll probably never learn it all, but I keep pressing buttons as we go, and learning new aspects of it's capabilities.
I've got a dc-20 and a dc-30, the first and second generations of collars. The dc-30 was a huge improvement over the original, the dc-20, and I was only too happy to upgrade.
Now, we see the introduction of the dc-40. Another upgrade to the collar unit, but not as dramatic as the first upgrade. The dc-20 had a few shortcomings, no doubt, all cured by the dc-30. The dc-30 has a few idiosyncracies also... The collar material frays and the charging contacts can get full of gunk. It's also a little antsy to tell if the unit is charging at times, but that can be overcome by carefully monitoring the charge operation.
The new dc-40 purportedly corrects those issues, but at the cost of moving the GPS antenna off the top part of the dog's neck, and into the unit that rides below the neck. Now, I'm no engineer, but common sense tells me that an antenna that looks directly at the sky is better than one that is shielded by the dogs body. There are no changes to the RF antenna that communicates with the handler's handheld unit, so that issue is a draw.
I had myself convinced that I would stay with the dc-30, and not do yet another upgrade to the dc-40.... And then, I read Steve Snell's evaluation of the new collar unit.
For those that don't know, Steve Snell is the proprietor of Gun Dog Supply, and has probably had more influence in the design, and subsequent upgrades of the Garmin system than anyone.
Now, I've had my dc-30 working and communicating at better than 800 yards in dense woods in hilly terrain. I need that kind of performance, but thankfully, not much more! So, if the new collar can equal that, the upgrade may just be worth it. and it would be nice to have the other small issues not be a concern anymore.

So, the jury is still out on whether I'll upgrade or not... But it's just a bit less sure that I won't than it was before...

Click here to read Steve Snell's review of the new dc-40 from Garmin

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Wookie at a Celebrity Wedding??

Chelsea Clinton is getting married soon, and purportedly in Rhinebeck, New York. The guest list obviously includes names like Oprah, the O'Bamas and other high powered personalities from the worlds of entertainment and politics. The Clinton's have always provided alot of both!
But, Han Solo's friend and cohort, Chewbacca will also be in attendance, as the mother of the bride no less!
Now, lord knows I'm no fan of the Clintons in general, or Hillary in particular, so it should come as no surprise that after viewing her in an official capacity on the TV news, I noticed her striking resemblance to Chewbacca from Star Wars.
The hair, facial features and general appearance all recall the big Wookie!

So if you're in the vicinity of Westchester County, New York in the near future, keep your eyes peeled overhead... Not just for Air Force One... But also be on the lookout for the Millenium Falcon...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Of Shotgunners and Pitchmen..

I was surprised to see an old Shotgunner pitching investments in pure silver on TV the other night..
Who was it? None other than International Trapshooter from the U.K., Derek Partridge!
Mr. Partridge is quite the salesman, not to mention a highly skilled bunker shooter for the U.K., having been involved in bring the Perazzi knockoff, Kemen from Spain many years ago. The Kemen was a dead ringer for the bulletproof Italian target gun... dropout trigger and all, and Mr. Partridge pushed them heavily!
He used to call me at work trying to put a Kemen in my hands. I'll never know where he got my number or how, but he was offering an attractive price. But, it was a Spanish shotgun, and an unknown quantity, so i passed, but derek was very persistent and not easily dissuaded!
And now, trying to get folks to buy silver as an investment on TV. He's not involved with Kemen anymore, and I haven't heard his name mentioned in shotgunning circles in some time, but he's still a relentless salesman.
He sounds oh so British, and oh so convincing in his pitch...

But, just ass I was not looking for a Kemen shotgun years ago, I'm not looking for silver now, but all the same, I wish derek Partridge the best of luck in his endeavors... Obviously, P.T. Barnum knew something that the rest of us don't!
As an aside, I've yet to see a Kemen to this day!

Friday, July 2, 2010

A visit to Connecticut Shotgun

My daughter lived in New Britain, Connecticut for a few years. She and her family are in the process of moving, so we picked up my grandson for a trip to the Adirondacks with just the grandparents.
The RBL needed a refinement, so I killed two birds with one stone by dropping it off at CSMC while on the way up, and picking it up once again on the way home.
First... This place is hard to find, and if one were to forget the street number, they would most certainly be out of luck! Once at the factory, however, things could not go more smoothly.
The folks at CSMC are fantastic, from the girls in the office to the guys on the floor... Friendly and courteous!
The gunroom? In a word, simply unbelievable! More high grade guns in one place than I've ever seen anywhere... BY FAR! From the Galazan O/U, to rows of RBL's, Parkers, CSMC Fox's, the new A-10 American, the lockwork on this one has to be seen to be believed, to Perazzi, and the list goes on and on!
Further, my RBL was ready to be picked up as promised, with no charge and no questions asked.
For anyone within driving distance of New Britain, Connecticut, the gunroom at CSMC and a chance to interact with the staff, is certainly worth the trip!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's been a long time...

I've been spending much less time on the computer of late. A bit of disillusionment with some folks in Cyberland, pressing family issues and just plain nothing worth saying are the culprits.
I come back to touch base with some old friends in Bloggerland, and I learn of friends' dog's ill and passing... The downside of sharing our lives with the dogs that come to mean so very much to us. We all must face it, but we're never ready for it when the time comes.
It's always been my opinion that God played a cruel trick on man by giving the dog a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, and the dog's Master, often much less worthy, In my case at least, a run of six to seven times that.
It just doesn't seem fair... People are disingenuous, but we can read a dog's heart and loyalty it it's eyes. Mankind can be vicious... Dogs not so. Folks can be untrustworthy, but I'd put my life in a dog's hands without question, and never give it a second thought..
If only we were deserving of the enormous love that dog's provide us...

My deepest sympathies go out to friends that have lost a much treasured dog, and those that are in the throes of doing so.

I always think I'll get used to this, but never do.

It always makes me sad... and I guess it always will..

Monday, February 22, 2010

What I've learned from dogs..

I found this in a great little book that you can probably pick up in your local library. It's called "Chicken Soup for the Soul... What I learned from the Dog."

Kind of a compilation of thoughts and stories that all folks who count dogs as their best friends can relate to.. So here it is... A great way to go through life!

If I was anything like my dog
I'd greet everyone I know
With sheer enthusiasm
I'd consistently react with joy
to a smiling face
or a simple treat
And I'd ride through life
With the window wide open
And gleefully welcome the breezes of experience in my face!

~Beverly F. Walker

Ain't it the truth!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Do we ever get past it?

I'm sure we've all read the stories about that "one dog"... The one that teaches us to hunt, touches our heart and just seems to do everything right!
The dog the we know we'll never be able to replace, and leaves us all too soon. So, we try to make it better... we have to with a new pup. We're still going to hunt!
Can the young pup ever meet the expectations? Ever match the perfection of the "once in a lifetime dog?" Caqn the newcomer measure up to such lofty ideals?
Unfortunately, often not! And just as often, probably not the pup's fault!
I've seen it time and time again.. A hunter with a beloved dog. The two operate in the field as one... Poetry in motion. The efficiency of two predators at the top of their game.
I've also seen those same hunters hang up their shotguns for good after the loss of the partner, not really giving the new pup an honest chance. Not realizing that it takes time and experience... Perhaps forgetting the not-so-great days early in the brag dog's life.
If there's an answer to all this, the only oner I can think of is to keep pressing on.. Realizing the dogs are individuals just as humans are.. Some more talented... some less. All prone to the good and bad days that the best of us experience. All just one piece of the puzzle shy of a Grand Master.

I'm ready for a new puppy. Maybe my last high powered dog... Only God knows. But, I'll keep an open mind and give the pup the chance it deserves, and as many opportunities as the "gettin' older" body can provide.. It will also have love, and the experience to realize that greatness comes in small doses, and just maybe progresses by baby steps..

So, here's to looking forward to a new puppy. Nothing is cast in stone as of yet, but whatever happens, and whatever path I take, and the pup and I take together, there just might be a few surprises in store..

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Current events.. Doggie Style

First, I'd like to wish all our readers a Happy and Healthy New Year... Ringing in the New Year is not a joyous occasion for me.. I consider it just another day on the calendar.. but it does bring hope for new awakenings and better things to come.

Now, to the topic at hand. I'm not one much given for posting comments on current events, but this one is just so meaningful and heartwarming that I feel the need to draw attention to it.
A young lad in Alaska was saved from a cougar attack by his year and a half old Golden Retriever... Not much more than a puppy. The dog nearly lost it's life in defense of his friend and master. I get a bit misty eyed when I see the dog's picture, think of what happened and could have happened and once again realize the relationship between Man and Dogs... The unflinching loyalty and protection we get from our canine friends. I never cease to marvel at the depth of it!

For those that have not seen or read the story, here, and here is the account of this awe inspiring occurrance.. To make things even more surreal, the Golden's name???


Enjoy your day..