Friday, March 6, 2009

What's New in Reloaderland?

To further our discussion of reloading the sixteen, and try to get back on the topic of reloading (I'd much prefer to talk dogs), there is news of new components... Particularly on the wad scene.
Downrange is in the process of producing their first run of the long awaited 3/4 to 7/8 ounce wad, which I believe was, at least in part, privately funded.. Pieces are in production as we speak, so I hope to be shooting some this summer.
Claybuster has also introduced a WWAA-16 clone, and this also is a welcome addition to the 16 ga. reloader's bag of tricks. I've always been somewhat dissatisfied with the Gualandi wads offered by Ballistic Products and Precision Reloading, because the shotcups are short for their intended payload, leaving some shot to scrub the bore. Now, this can be good or not so good, depending on one's point of view, but I'd much rather attempt to control my patterns by other means than intentionally deforming shot.
On another bright note, the rumor mill reports that a new 16 ga. hull is in the works.. Wouldn't that be good news to reloaders that have had to deal with promotional quality junk and call it good? With hulls that reload well only once or twice, particularly in cold weather..
There's much to look forward to on the horizon for gunners with the "Queen of the Uplands"... I just hope I'm around long enough to see it all!

When I have some 3/4 ounce loads whipped up with the new wads, and get a chance to break some targets with 'em, I'll be back to report..
Till then, keep the faith, baby!


  1. A "word problem" seen in a 7th grade textbook:

    If Bill loads one 16 gauge shell a day, how many cases will he have before his RBL arrives?

    Just funnin' with you, Bill. It'll only be several boxes, probably...


  2. Don't scare me, Michael... I'm pullin' for about a box and a half... LOL

  3. Hey Bill

    If your a member of the 16 ga.low-pressure group there is a nice pic of the new Downrange wad in the photo section. I don't think there is any way for me to post it in a comment or I would.


  4. Thanks Rick,
    I never even noticed the photo section over there.. By the look of that wad, it should do well with 3/4 ounce of lead..
