Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Me n' The Frog

Laprohaig, that is...

I'm finding myself growing more and more fond of distilled spirits, Scotch in particular, and the Single Malt variety to refine it even further...
Since giving up beers and ales almost completely, due to the gout that it seems to trigger in my elbow, of all places... Not the big toe anymore, I've embarked on a mission of discovering the endless varieties of Single Malt Scotch..
I confess to having a couple Thomas Hardy's Ale around Christmas, My son bought them for me, and I just couldn't bring myself to make him drink them alone; and yes, this is the same Thomas Hardy of "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" fame. This is an ale that everyone should try at least once.. At almost twelve percent alcohol, it's similar to a wine, but it is the best ale I've ever tasted.. and I used to brew my own, years back, before it put too much weight on me.
But, back to my incursion into the world of Single Malts...
I started with "The Glenlivit", and I think it's an excellent jumping off point, particularly for such an uneducated palate as mine..
I've added "The Frog", Bowmore, Glenmorangie, Highland Park, and a less pricey bottle of Speyside.. They're all quite different, and some folks admit to favorites, while eschewing the others..
Honestly, I've yet to meet a Single Malt that I didn't like, but I'm still new to the Path...
There are so many to try, and the enjoyment is in the trip itself..

I'm certainly enjoying mine...

pictured is the Laprohaig distillery, on the island of Islay, the southernmost of the Inner Hebrides..


  1. Funny you should mention this, Bill. A friend of mine has gout and has switched (for the moment) from beer to bourbon. Think it'll work for him? :)

    I personally prefer the Highland malts because they're sweet. Islays are too smoky for me.

  2. Dave,
    I find distilled spirits to be good for many ailments.. I believe your friend is on his way to the cure!
